You are invited to join us in worshipping our Holy God

as revealed to us in Chris Jesus. As the Spirit has gifted

us, so we seek to share this love of Christ with others.


With a rich history dating back to the 18th century, The First Reformed Church of Fishkill has one of the oldest roots for our love and devotion towards our Lord and Savior.

Online Services

Due to worsening Covid rates, we will continue to gather online.  We look forward to gathering in person once again when it is safe to do so.

Our Mission

We are a caring family of worshipping Christians inspired by the Holy Spirit spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and showing God’s Love through support  for one another and ministering to the community.

Supporting You

Mission Statement

a caring family of worshipping Christians inspired by the Holy Spirit spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and showing God’s Love through support  for one another and ministering to the community.

Urgent Notice

Online Services Only – click here for more information


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